Meeting Schedule
Thursday November 3rd
7:00-8:00pm Registration
8:00-9:30pm Meet and Greet
Friday November 4th
6:00-7:00am Early-bird topic discussion meeting
7:00-8:00am Breakfast (included with room)
8:00-8:15am Welcome/Opening remarks
8:15-9:15 Glenn Pransky
9:15-10:15 Mark Albanese
10:15-10:30am Break
10:30-11:30am Mary Behnkee
11:30am-12:30pm Panel Discussion: "Return to Work, Licensure, and PHPs"
12:30-1:30pm Alanon Luncheon
2:00-4:30pm Healing Touch Sessions
3:00-4:00pm Exercise in Recovery Workshop
4:30-5:30pm Step Meeting
5:30-8:00pm Dinner on your own
8:00-9:00pm AA and Alanon Meetings
Saturday November 5th
6:00-7:00am Early Bird topic discussion meeting
6:00-7:00am Exercise in Recovery Workshop
7:00-8:00am Breakfast (included with room)
8:00-8:15am Housekeeping remarks
8:15-9:15am Sidra Ghafoor and John Breen
9:15-10:15am Harry Haroutunian
10:15-10:30am Break
10:30-11:30am Harry Haroutunian
11:30am-12:30pm Facilitated Discussion: "Personal Wellness Experiences"
12:30-1:30pm Luncheon- (provided)
1:30-2:30pm Step Meeting
2:00-4:30pm Healing Touch Sessions
3:00-4:00pm Exercise in Recovery Workshop
4:30-5:30pm Step Meeting
5:30-6:00pm NEPG steering committee meeting
6:30-9:00pm 44th Annual NEPG Banquet
Sunday November 6th
6:30-7:30am Early Bird topic discussion meeting
6:30-7:30am Exercise in Recovery Workshop
7:30-9:00am Breakfast (included with room)
9:00-10:00am Spiritual Message
10:00-10:45am Farewells
CME Credits
Accreditation Statement – Berkshire Health Systems is accredited by the Massachusetts Medical Society to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. Berkshire Health Systems designates this live activity for a
maximum of 10 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM.
Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in this activity.
The activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Massachusetts Medical Society for Continuing Medical Education through the Joint Providership of Berkshire Health Systems and the New England Professional Group.
Disclosure: In accordance with the ACCME Standards of Commercial Support disclosure will be made before the program regarding the existence of any relationship that exists between the faculty and the manufacturers of any commercial products.