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Thursday November 3

5:00-7:00 pm Early Registration


8:00–9:30 pm AA/Alanon Meet and Greet


Friday November 4

7:00-8:00 am Breakfast (provided)


8:00-8:15 am Welcome:  Opening remarks:


8:15-9:30 am John Kelly 1st Session


9:30-9:45 am Break


9:45-11:00 pm - John Kelly 2nd Session


11:00-12:00 pm Discussion


12:00-1:30 pm Alanon Speaker -

Luncheon (Provided)


1:30-5:30 pm Free time (Recreation, shopping)


5:30-7:30 pm Open Seating Dinner atTheWilson House (optional, on your own)

7:30-8:30 pm  Open Step Meeting atThe Wilson House (optional)


8:00-9:00 pm AA Meeting at The Equinox


 Saturday November 5

7:00-8:00 am Breakfast (provided)


8:00-8:15 am  Announcements


8:15-9:30 am  Mark Stelzer:  Addiction as a Spiritual    Malady


9:30-9:45 am Break


9:45-11:00 am Mark Stelzer:  Self-care as a Spiritual and Ethical Imperative for Health Care Professionals


11:00-12:00 pm Panel Discussion


12:00-4:30 pm Free time (Recreation, shopping)

2:00 -3:30  12 Step Yoga at Heart of the Village Yoga 3556 Main Street

(across the street from The Equinox)

 $20pp payable in advance at the NEPG registration desk


4:30-5:30 pm AA/Alanon meeting


6:00-9:00 pm  38th Annual NEPG Banquet:  Peter Grinspoon

Sunday November 6

7:30-8:30 am Breakfast (provided)


8:30-9:45 am Spiritual Message:  Mark Stelzer


9:45-10:15 am Farewells

Turning Point

Meeting Schedule

Speaker Bios

John F. Kelly, Ph.D.  is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, the founder and Director of the Recovery Research Institute at the MGH. John is the Current Past President of the American Psychological Association (APA) Society of Addiction psychology, and is also a Fellow of APA. He is currently an Associate  Editor for the journals, Addiction, and the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and chapters in the field of addiction. His clinical and research work has focused on addiction treatment and the recovery process which has included specific research on the effectiveness of mutual-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, as adjuncts to formal care.



Reverend Mark Stelzer, Ph.D. is a priest of the Diocese of Springfield, MA and an alumnus of Guest House, an internationally-recognized treatment center specializing in the care of clergy and religious living with addictive disorders.  Mark has worked extensively in healthcare ministry as chaplain at Baystate Medical Center and Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, MA.  He currently serves as a full-time humanities faculty member and chaplain at Elms College in Chicopee, MA.  Mark regularly teaches courses in healthcare ethics and Twelve Step spirituality on the graduate and undergraduate levels. In addition to his personal involvement in Twelve Step recovery, Mark regularly facilitates workshops and retreats throughout the US on topics related to addiction and recovery.



Peter Grinspoon, M.D.  is the author of Free Refills, Peter is a PCP at an inner-city clinic in Boston and is on staff at MGH. He spent two years as an Associate Director for Massachusetts       Physician Health Service, supporting physicians with substance use disorders.

CME Credits

Up to 10 category one credit hours are available. Accreditation is through Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield, MA. 

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